Barbara Ganin
Family & Personal Life Coach




"A coach is dedicated 100% to you and your success--to helping you identify your goals, and to reaching them.

Let me be your partner in living the life you really want!"




The Power to Choose

Written by Barbara Ganin

Photographs by Bruce Rodman & David Ganin


This is a compilation of the tools, skills, and concepts that I use, myself, in my daily life. These ideas have helped me deal with life from a more powerful place.

You can't have a great life if you always feel like a victim. You have to learn to be the "master" of your own life in order to live it powerfully.

I am determined to have a life I love! I am determined to get the most out of my life, and to be the BEST ME that I can be!

I use these concepts, skills, and models in my life every single day--like a Ninja--and I hope they are helpful to you as well.


The Power to Choose contains all of the tools that I use in my daily life, and in my practice, to stay centered, to empower myself, and to make sure I am the best ME that I can be. I want a life I love, and I want you to have one, too!



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The Power to Choose